The Oil Painting Hub home page

The Oil Painting Hub… a new resource site for oil painting enthusiasts!

I think I will always consider myself a student. When I started painting, I kinda thought “When I find my style, then I will be set for the rest of my life”. It’s been 20 years now, and although I am more confident in my painting, I have come to understand that an artist’s style …

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Confused about Oil Painting Materials?

I remember wandering around through the isles of art supply stores, bewildered, not really knowing what I needed, and bought stuff that did not do what I expected or that I ended up never using – sounds familiar? After years of striving to understand what all of these different bottles, tubes and brushes were for, …

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Finally! After 2 failed attempts (almost 3!) I am very happy to present to you my latest painting. This portrait was a challenge! Not much room for error… a millimetre off on the upper lip or the brow line and the expression is completely different. On top of that, I decided to try something different: to …

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Pour Élise 800x800

New Paintings 2013

I have two new paintings to show you! The first made from a photograph taken by the very wonderful Marie-Josée Dupont who was kind enough to give me permission to reproduce it. I wanted to practice doing portraits with a different technique and to my surprise, I was able to do this portrait in just 3 days, …

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Pointe Valaine Exhibit 2013

From Wednesday November 27 to Sunday December 1st, I will be participating in the sixth edition of the Collectif d’art de la Pointe Valaine. Come meet artists from the region in this exhibit high in color and emotion Centre communautaire et culturel de la Pointe-Valaine85, rue d’Oxford,Otterburn Park Wednesday November 27      7 pm …

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Hélène avait 4 ans

New painting 2012

Her is my brand new painting “Hélène avait 4 ans” (Helen was 4 years old). I did this painting from a picture I found in one of my grand-mother’s shoe boxes; it was taken in 1958 and today, Helen is now retired. Interpreting  a black and white photo was a good challenge and I really …

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Pointe Valaine Exhibit 2011

From wednesday november 30th to sunday december 4th, I will be participating in the fouth edition of the Collectif d’art de la Pointe Valaine. Come meet  artists from the region in this exhibit high in color and emotion Centre communautaire et culturel de la Pointe-Valaine85, rue d’Oxford,Otterburn Park wednesday november 30th      8pm to …

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